All members are welcome to enjoy our interest groups or “sub-clubs,” although clubs may require reservations and/or additional payment. Please contact the sub-club leader for information on participating.
Our Interest Groups

Bingo Club
Leader: Kimberly Suberlak
Our bingo club meets on the fourth Saturday of the month, providing an hour of bingo to Eastern Nebraska Veterans Home residents. Members call the games, check cards and hand out prizes. We also assist those who need extra help marking numbers.

Book Club
Leader: Penny Keener
Our book club meets on the second Wednesday of the month, reading a new title each month based on member input. Previous book club selections include The Villa by Rachel Hawkins, The Summer Seekers by Sarah Morgan and Things I Wish I Told My Mother by Susan Patterson.

Coffee Club
Leader: Hannah Sanders
Our coffee club meets monthly, usually on a Monday or Tuesday, exploring the different coffee shops that Omaha has to offer. We aim to support local businesses and have visited places like veteran owned Hard Bean in La Vista and Green Bean Coffee in Millard.

Play Date Club
Leader: Ashley Tibbetts
Our play date club meets 1-2 times month at various local parks and other locations around town. Previous activities included hiking at Fontanelle Forest, berry picking, splash pads and a visit to Offutt Fire and Rescue.

Quilting Club
Leader: Molly Phillips
Our quilting club meets on the third Thursday of the month. In addition to working on personal projects, each year our quilters create a patriotic themed quilt that is raffled at the OESC Holiday Bazaar, our largest fundraiser of the year.
Previous interest groups include: Wine Night, “Biggest Loser” club, walking club, and gun club. Interest groups dissolve once the activity has concluded or there is no longer enough interest to continue regular meetings.
Any member in good standing may start an additional interest group, as long as it is in good taste and does not conflict with our bylaws or governing policies.