The Offutt Enlisted Spouses Club’s Executive Board consists of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and assistant treasurer, all elected, and the parliamentarian, who is appointed by the president and approved by the Executive Board. The Executive Board serves June 1-May 31.
The Executive Board meets the Monday prior to the General Membership Meeting.
Responsibilities vary by position.
As defined under Section II of the Bylaws, the term of office is one year. An elected officer may hold the same position for two consecutive terms. If elected to a vacant position during an out-of-cycle election, and the elected position is held for under nine months, it will not count as a full term. The member may be re-nominated to the same position during the next normal election cycle.
Our 2024-25 Executive Board
President: Katie Williams
Vice President:
Secretary: Gina Crudden
Treasurer: Kelly Lybolt
Assistant Treasurer: Caiti McElroy
Parliamentarian: Jamie Moore

Did you know?
The nominations committee, led by the parliamentarian, will nominate at least two candidates, with the candidates’ approval, for elective office. There may only be one nominee for each position if other eligible members decline. The slate of nominees is presented to the membership at the March meeting with elections in April.